
osensei13Aikido is both old and new. Rooted in Japan’s centuries old martial arts tradition, it was founded in the mid-twentieth century by Ueshiba Morihei as a path of mind-body development. Aikido teaches principles of self-defense and conflict resolution, practical approaches to the challenges of modern living, all through the medium of physical discipline. Practice involves moderate to challenging exercise and contact with other practitioners.

In the spirit of Aikido (Joined Spirit Way), there are currently two Aikido groups/styles training at the Fan dojo:  Aikido Schools of Ueshiba (ASU) and Richmond Aikido Kai (RAK).  Each represents the tradition of Aikido developed by the group’s founder Mitsugi Saotome Shihan and Morihiro Saito Shihan, both direct students of Aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba. Both operate under the auspices of the Aikikai Foundation (Hombu Dojo) in Japan.

Other Martial Arts

In addition to Aikido, there are currently groups practicing Cuong Nhu Martial Arts, Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo, and Interpretive Dance at the Fan Dojo.

To find out more information about any of the arts at the Fan Dojo, please visit the dojo during the respective class times and speak with an instructor.