Tobin Foster has practiced Aikido since 1991. He holds the rank of yondan (4th dan) from Aikido Schools of Ueshiba under Saotome Mitsugi Shihan. He has also studied iaido and taiji.
Joe Montague has been training in the martial arts for 50 years. In addition to teaching early morning Aikido, he is a senior instructor for the Cuong Nhu program and leads the group studying Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo.

Before his passing in 2019, Steve Earle practiced Aikido for over forty-five years, including over ten years in Japan. Since 1992, he was affiliated with Aikido Schools of Ueshiba under Saotome Mitsugi Shihan. Together with Josh Drachman, he translated Saotome Shihan’s book, A Light on Transmission. Earle’s book on the life and teachings of Nakamura Tempu, entitled Heaven’s Wind, was published in 2017 by North Atlantic Books.